NC - Rotary Tables

Single Axis NC-Rotary Tables RWNC

For use with horizontal or vertical axis of rotation.

Center heights of 75, 100, 125, 160, 220, 300, 380 and 400 mm.

Direct or indirect position measuring systems possible.

Hydraulic clamping of the dividing spindle for high machining forces.

Biaxial Swiveling NC- Rotary Tables RSNC

Specially designed for use on machine tools and machining centers.


Enables genuine 5-axis machining.


Modular design allows cost-effective configuration to customer requirements.

Single Axis NC-Rotary Tables with Torque Drive HD

Einachsiger NC-Rundtisch HD mit Torqueantrieb

Direct drive – torque motor is directly connected to the dividing spindle and allows high speeds.

Can be used with horizontal and vertical axis of rotation.

Center heights of 200, 250, 350 and 400 mm available.

Single- or Biaxial NC - Rotary Tables EDR-EDS

NC-Teilgeräte, Teilgeraete-EDR

Designed for use on HSC eroding and laser machines.

Can be used with horizontal and vertical rotary axis.

Center heights of 100, 125, 160, 220 and 300 mm available.